Saturday, November 8, 2008


Some of the headlines and editorial following the execution of the three convicted Bali Bombers has assured us that the issue of capital punishment continues to polarise public opinion. The Herald Sun website screamed 'It's Done'. The Age was a little more matter of fact, 'Bali Bombers Executed'. In London, The Times completely ignored the story. CNN had the story in their top 3 headlines.

Talkback radio, including the Sunday morning slang-fest with John Michael Howson McCallum on Fairfax Radio's 3AW, was a snapshot of right wing vitreol. Terms like 'closure' and 'hope they died in pain' were liberally used as the contempt poured out over the executions. Of course we will be revisiting this issue in 2009 when members of the Bali 9 - in this case young Australians - will also be facing the firing squad in Indonesia. Will the attitude be any different by the conservative press and the older talkback callers who vented their hate at the Bali Bombers?

Will the executions of the Bali Bombes make Indonesia, particularly Bali, a safer place to visit? Does executing the terrorists turn them into martyrs? Does execution ever solve a problem?

We would love to hear what you have to say and look forward to airing your thoughts on the program.

Join The Spin this Tuesday when we discuss the coverage of the executions. Thanh Bui, from Australian Idol, also joins the program to discuss Australia's music industry and perceived racism. The Spin, the Tuesday from 7pm on JOY 94.9.


Anonymous said...

To these "emotional supporters" of the Bali Bombers who clashed with police, I suggest we get your families, lock them in a building and set it on fire. Then maybe save half of them but only when they have to spend the next 3 years in hospital because they are so horrifically injured. Then we'll sit you down in a room to watch us while we sit around laughing about it, slapping each other on the back like we have just won the lottery. If you can make it through this experience unaffected, because, after all, it's a perfectly fine form of self expression, then hey I might just listen to what you've got to say.

Anonymous said...

Answer me this left wingers... how could you NOT be executed in Indonesia if you were involved in killing 202 people?

Martin John Bryant (Port Arthur Killer) is still alive and miserable, so keeping him alive seems to be worth it right?