Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Interview with Richard Watts, Evolution Media

Whilst the world is witnessing the US financial juggernaut going down the toilet there has been a quiet revolution going on in the background in our local pink media. Without a lot of fanfare, or even a lot of notification, we have seen B-News vanish from circulation. It won't ben seen again and the company that ran it into the ground is currently under scrutiny from a number of legal and tax points of view... we'll leave that for the suits to sort out. Even late last week there were phone calls going back and forth between the BNews camp and the pink publishing juggernaut, Evolution Press, about a potential buy out. At one stage, I understand, it was pretty much signed and sealed before the preverbial shit hit the fan and a few of the debtors got involved. At this stage it all fell in a heap and the mess is a long way from being sorted out.

In the meantime, Evolution Publishing, either with impeccable timing or a an A-grade crystal ball is announcing a new mag to hit the streets. To try and sort out the fact from fiction in a busy week in the pink press we welcome back to the Spin studio the Editor of MCV, Richard Watts.

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